Enough is Enough!

01/11/2013 10:45
I just read this morning's paper and saw the story on Charlotte Reeve's attack.  I must say that I am utterly disgusted and sickened by it.  While I understand, fully, that crime is and has been a problem in this city for quite some time, this attack has struck a nerve in me that I cannot ignore.
I know Mrs. Reeves, not like a personal friend.  But we have sat at several meetings together all in an effort to improve this city.  She has been strong in her dedication to Jackson.  She is forward thinking and has made a conscious decision to KEEP her businesses in Jackson.  Although many over the years have given up on the city and ran fast to neighboring cities, Charlotte has been steadfast in her belief that Jackson can be better.  She has never wavered.  That attitude should be respected and commended because as I am sure you've noticed, businesses (big and small) are running away from Jackson in great numbers.  Ever wondered why?  Who's suppose to keep them here?  Who's suppose to attract new businesses to the area?  Who's responsible for the city's image?  Who's charge is it to see that this city thrives and survives? 
I am a proud Jacksonian.  But even I have been so downtrodden recently that I have considered uprooting my family.  Thank the Creator, I have a husband who is strong when I am weak.  He told me before he even proposed to me that leaving this city, our home, would not be an option.  We've had troubled times and we both know that life could be better for both of us and thus our children if we took our skills, talents and experience to another city.  Nevertheless, we - like Charlotte, have taken a vow to this city and refuse to be run off by crime, power-hungry politicians, or naysayers.  However, I have sadly watched very talented, hopeful, high spirited young people leave this city and I can't say that I blame them.  I used to.  But as the days go by and crime gets higher; businesses leave; media kills our image.  There is no wonder why the entire nation mocks us.  We deserve the attacks and the laughter because we continue to make the wrong choices in leadership!  We continue to bash people who have good intentions just because we have "friends" we can't detach ourselves from.  We insist on maintaining personal alliances instead of thinking about the future of this, the CAPITAL CITY.
So what now?
We're coming up on another opportunity to save our city.  Elections are right around the corner.  You see it.  The signs popping up in the yards.  The commercials on television and advertisements on the radio.  People you don't know all of sudden want your "support".  You give it to them because you saw them at a cocktail party or a launch event and they shook your hand.  They did the electric slide with you at the festival two years ago.  Really?  Is that all it takes to gain your support?  If I ask you what their platform is, can you tell me?  If I ask you where their experience lies, do you know?  How about if they even live in the ward they are asking to represent; do you know?  Do they even know?  Come on Jacksonians, expect more; demand more! We've tried voting for the nice smile and friendly wave and look where we are. 
Jackson will never be what it once was if we continue to allow people with personal interest to lead us.  We have to have leadership that is connected to pulse of Jackson. I don't mean just the parts of Jackson that write the big checks and live in the affluent neighborhoods.  I mean the people who aren't afraid to come into the neighborhoods where Charlotte was attacked.  The people who have events that you can afford to come to.  The people who actually WANT to hear from you.  Not those who don't give a damn what you say unless you contribute to their campaign.  Not those who charge $150 for a plate of chicken and peas.  Those who know most Jacksonians can't afford that anyway. 
I am in constant prayer for Charlotte and her husband.  The idea that her dedication to this city was met with a physical attack makes me sick.  It's unacceptable and it must come to an end.   Some may say that we can' t blame crime on the lack of leadership.  I say, the hell we can't.  It all goes hand in hand. 
Enough is enough! 
We can no longer pray for deliverance; hoping that the clouds will part and a wave of goodness and fairness will overcome the city.  NO!  We must come together - as a community - and say NO MORE!  The complacency that has plagued this community is also killing it!  If you don't care about today, then I beg you to think about tomorrow.  For, if the proper attention is not given today, Jackson will not live to tomorrow.