Family First

01/04/2011 11:32

Sometimes we move so quickly through life that we miss the important things.  We miss the quick glances of those who admire us.  We pass thru the moments that come to shape our mindset.  We breeze by great relationships.  We even forget to smell the roses.  I'm as guilty as you are of letting life pass me by.  But, in 2010 I experienced enough heartache and happiness to realize that we only get one time around in this life and we owe it to ourselves to make the best of it.  Not only to we miss our blessings by going to fast, but we also neglect opportunities to praise the Creator for touching our lives and making our existence worthwhile.

Whether we are chasing love or dreams or, living for other people's acceptance, we tend to neglect ourselves - our own understanding.  We get so wrapped up in the every day routines of our lives that we simply ignore the small things that come unto us to give us reason to laugh and smile.  We get caught up in what people think or say.  We don't take time to put our focus on what really matters to us.  This will eventually take over our being and before we realize it, we're older and we've missed the life we were created to live.

I realize that I have placed my energy on relationships that aren't worthwhile.  I have spent too much time trying to evaluate what I can do to mend relationships gone bad.  But none of these relationships are as important as the ones with my brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews, husband and children.  When all else fades, these are the relationships that will last.  These are the people I should turn my attention to before I can place myself in a position of service.

Going foward, this is where I will place my energy.  This Kwanzaa, without Mama, somehow opened my eyes to the children as if they weren't there before.  Maybe it's because it was Mama's job to see to the children and look out for them.  Since she's no longer here, we all must pull together to continue to shape our children into productive, positive adults.  Now's the time to repeat those words of advice that we barely listened to when Mama said them over and over again.  I heard her eventhough I didn't pay much attention.  I am now slowing down long enough to hear her all over again.

I am thankful for the many lessons I've learned throughout this emotional year.  I am grateful for the trials and tribulations and know that out of it all I have been reborn.  Most of all I am thankful for today.  I am thankful for this second chance to stop and live life instead of letting life live me.  I realize that the small things are going without my attention.  I've been neglecting the simple treasures of life trying to win a race that I created in my own mind.  This isn't a race.  It isn't a game.  It's life and we only get one.  I refuse to waste one more day on my selfishness.  No longer will I let the flower in the corner go unrecognized.  My family, the flower, needs me.  I plan to be there.  After all, tomorrow isn't promised to us and I want to make each day mean something.