YES I AM A WOMAN! - Tribute to Chicks

07/05/2011 12:15

Sojourner Truth bolded stated:

“That man over there say a woman needs to be helped into carriages and lifted over ditches and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helped me into carriages or over mud puddles or gives me a best place. . . And ain't I a woman? Look at me! Look at my arm!
I have plowed and planted and gathered into barns and no man could head me. . .
And ain't I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man--when I could get to it--
and bear the lash as well. And ain't I a woman? I have born 13 children and seen most all sold into slavery and when I cried out a mother's grief none but Jesus heard me. . .
And ain't I a woman? That little man in black there say a woman can't have as much rights as a man cause Christ wasn't a woman. Where did your Christ come from? From God and a woman!
Man had nothing to do with him! If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down, all alone together women ought to be able to turn it right side up again.”

I learned this “poem” early in my life as a homework assignment. Of course at that time, I had no appreciation for what the poem means and its value was lost on me. However, my father, made me learn it and recite it to him for days. This, along with many other poems, speeches, writings, articles, I was able to recite upon demand without having any understanding of it. Daddy knew it would one day mean something to me, I suppose. 

Well, today, it does!  Today, I celebrate WOMANKIND with my tribute to Sojourner Truth’s “Ain’t I a Woman”.



Yes, I am a woman! I work a full time job every day eight hours a day for little money. Then I go home every night and work a part time job and my title is MOMMY/WIFE. It pays with love; not money.

Yes, I am a woman! I teach myself – when time permits because I can’t afford to stop working to go to school.

Yes I am a woman! I get passed over for jobs that I can do with ease because I don’t know the right people. I don’t have the right package.

Yes I am a woman! I have to hide from my pain, tuck away my fears, cry to myself, and laugh in privacy.

Yes I am a woman! I blow dirt from eyes; clear up runny noses; rub tummies; rock and sing through nightmares. I am a doctor.

Yes I am a woman! I encourage and support; I cry and laugh; I correct and endure; I smile when I want to frown; I am a friend and confidant.

Yes I am a woman! I listen to lies and act like I don't know; I watch the clock in the middle of the night; I pray for safety; I pace the floor; I provoke thought and analysis. I am a mother.

Yes I am a woman! I act like it's good when it isn't; I hold my piece to keep the peace; I allow simple mistakes when I know a better way; I let foolishness occur just so a lesson is learned. I am a lover, a partner, a wife.

Yes I am a woman! I cook; I clean; I iron; I wash; I dry; I mop and dust and sweep because no one does it to my satisfaction -- but ME.  I am a maid.

Yes I am a woman! Because I do all of this for FREE.

Yes I am a woman! No man can work through the monthly pain that I function through with no choice and all the while, a big smile.

Yes I am a woman! No man can be beat down physically, mentally, emotionally and still look like a million bucks.

Yes I am a woman! No man can watch the suffering of a loved one and hurt like they hurt, cry like they cry and hug away the pain.

Yes I am a woman! No man can endure the insults spoken and unspoken that I have and still look oppression straight in the eye.

Yes I am a woman! No man can take $20 and purchase an entire outfit with accessories and shoes to match.

Yes I am a woman! No man can take $5 and feed a family of four with leftovers for lunch the next day.

Yes I am a woman! No man can take my joy because no man gave it to me!

Yes I am a woman! I come from a woman! I am the strongest living, breathing being on this earth. I am next to God and I don’t care if you recognize it or not.