Freedom is Coming


Freedom from fear

And discomfort that we feel

When pulled over by the police

Because you’re a young

Dark skinned male

Driving a car that costs over

Fourteen thousand bucks.

Freedom from the irritation

And disgust that

Overwhelms us when we

Apply for a job we’ve

Prepared, studied and trained for

For over ten years

Just to lose it to the

Boss’ son who doesn’t

Even want the responsibility

But is too afraid to tell

Daddy that he’s the

“Little Drummer Boy”.

Freedom from unhappiness

And lack of appreciation that

Turn our children to gangs

For love, honor and support

Instead of family, where love is

Often overlooked and unnoticed.

Freedom from mental enslavement

That led us to the streets

And street corners selling drugs to

Ourselves for a rich, white man

Too well known to be seen driving

Down those very same streets that pay him.

Freedom from the inferiority

Complex that has plagued

Our community so bad

And for so long that our young men

Shoot each other over

Who’s the most down and our

Little girls have babies to feel

Loved by someone.

Freedom from poverty and

Contentment that allows

Us to live generation after

Generation on a governmental

Welfare system placed at our doorstep

To keep us controllable and

The underdog, permanently.

Freedom from ignorance and

Shame that misleads

Our young and vulnerable

Into believing that blacker

Isn’t prettiest, size makes character

And money equals success and happiness.


We are a cultural people

Built and equipped with knowledge

Beauty, color, endurance, purpose

Power, love, family, togetherness

Honor, respect, morality, integrity

Spirituality, wisdom, wit, and wealth.

The list of virtues is endless.

We are the chosen people who can sustain

The torture and torment that

No other race of people would ever

Be able to endure.

All is not lost; maybe forgotten.

We will regain the enjoyment of living!

We shall remember!

Yesterday is only a memory.

Today will soon depart.

But tomorrow.

In tomorrow lies another opportunity

To welcome hope and finally to be free.


Freedom is coming.

Freedom is coming tomorrow.