I Am...

Like fine wine

that ages of twenty

I’ve got a cellar full of goodies

Unfamiliar to many.


I’ve got diamonds

dressing the tips of my hand

Just as the sweetest nectar

To drink upon my demand.


As the rhythm of strings

arouse the crowds

I welcome the succulent songs

Of my mind to sing out loud.


Just like sterling silver

sparkles and shines

I’ve got the power to polish

My very own gold mines.


Streams of silk

Flow like the river Nile

Collecting the bright caress of beauty

Accompanying my smile.


With two eyes to guide the path

And notice only the best

The world can be fed

By the nutrition of my breast.


I am the creator of life

Mother of earth

I am cousin to the trees

And confidant to the blossoming flower.


I am a woman

An AFRICAN woman

I am a Queen, indeed.

