What Happened To Her?

 What happened to the black queen?

Did she die during child birth

Delivering our savior?

Did she evaporate from the steam of

A flaming hot stove; cutting potatoes

Because that’s all she had to feed the

Small tribe she so passionately called

Her children?

Did she pass out from the years and years

Of un-pleasurable sex she endured just

To keep a man?

Did pure exhaustion kill her spirit?

Did she burry herself in one of the three jobs

She worked to care for her man-free home?

Did she commit suicide when her first child

Was sent up the river for being

In the wrong place-

At the wrong time –

With the wrong folks?



Maybe she’s standing on her feet for 10 hours a day

Doing hair or folding sheets.

Maybe she just gave up when she finally

Realized that the support she desired

From her “sisters” really didn’t exist.

Maybe she never woke from the endless nightmare

That kept her from feeling worthy of love.

Maybe she’s standing on the corner selling herself

In a blind effort to provide for her babies.

Maybe she’s in prison for offing the man she watched

Rape her daughter, all the while claiming to love her.

Maybe the black queen lost herself

In weave and contact lenses.

Maybe she drowned in the tears brought on

By pain and misery of being molested and physically

Abused in the comfort of her childhood home by the man

She called uncle, or step daddy.


Could it be that she grew old at the tender age of 35

When her daughter made her a grandmother?

Could it be that despair murdered her

When she lost focus of her goals, her dreams, her ambitions

Just to become a baby with a baby?


Maybe the black queen isn’t dead at all.


Maybe she lay in the wind singing through the trees

With a whispering breeze.

Maybe she cries out to us thru storms offering

Life with each raindrop and strength with each

Thunderous clap.

Maybe she lends an ear when we scream out in pain

And agony with no idea why it feels so much better


Maybe the black queen is in every first gasp of air

Taken to welcome us to this brand new world.

Maybe she’s standing in front of a podium proclaiming

Her faith in righteousness and spiritual completeness.

Maybe she’s that voice you hear in your spirit that

Warns you of your troublesome ways.


She could be that vision you see when you close

Your eyes that warns of your ill-mannered tendencies.


Thru years of hard work and no pay;

Years of depression and oppression;

Years of never giving or having enough, but trying;

Decades of babies and pitiful, careless, thoughtless, abusive men;

Thru fears and fights

And nights filled with soul drenching tears;

Rough times, hard-headed kids,

Heart ache, health problems, stress,

PMS, UTI’s, cysts, bad vision, big hips, big asses

The passing of the flat stomach stage,

That comes and goes as quickly as the rising sun

Age, race and gender discrimination

Single parenting, bad relationships with

So-called sisters who should really be called Haters,

Apprehensions, inferiority complexes,

Weight gain, self-esteem deficiencies, lack of confidence

Long days, short nights…


To all we owe the disappearance of

A natural born leader

A keeper of tarnished spirits

A lender of positive energy

A vocal vessel.


To say the least,

The black queen is not dead

Nor is she dormant

She is here – still

She is strong – still

She is tired, weary

Yet she is ready, prepared

For the world’s best attempt

To kidnap her ease

To rob her peace

To stab her purity

To conquer her wisdom

To shoot her efforts.


She watches in amusement

Planning her rebirth

Preparing her army to

Retaliate against this

Un-welcomed treatment.


She is still here

She is still strong

She is pressing onward

She is the black queen

Meet her in eternity.